Physicists argue that black holes from the Big Bang could be the dark matter

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Quite the interesting read. I’m curious to see how further LIGO measurements will shape the debate and whether or not it will detect sub solar mass black holes which would be super neat.

While I’m far from an expert, the whole idea of primordial black holes resonates with me, as it doesn’t try to explain anything with new physics but instead uses the pieces which are already there.

If I ever happen to have too much time on my hands (haha) I would love to dig really deep into astro physics.


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Slightly off-topic, but have you seen this Sascha? (talks about the Big Bang at around 9 mins - but don’t skip to it, it’s amazing from the get go)

It’s so brilliantly produced and narrated that it made the hairs on the back of my neck stand up!

Available on BluRay too:

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I’ve recently lIstened to “A Brief History of Time” by Stephen Hawkins and thoroughly enjoyed it, so I’ll definitely take a look into this. Thanks!


Hey @bot, thanks for sharing this! :grin:

This bot is really amazing! ^^

… and a very fascinating topic by the way.

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